Position:Cool-Manga » Doujin Picture » elden ring, blaidd the half-wolf, high resolution, cowboy shot, 1boy, animal head, armor, breastplate, closed mouth...

elden ring, blaidd the half-wolf, high resolution, cowboy shot, 1boy, animal head, armor, breastplate, closed mouth... (7)

Language:English Date:2022-06-02 Hits:17.4K

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Tags: 1boyanimal headarmorbreastplateclosed moutheyrrifurry malemalemale focusone eye closedoutdoorspurple eyessolostandingswordweaponweapon on backcapeclothingfull moongauntletsholdingholding swordholding weaponlooking at viewermoonnightnight skyover shoulderrashuuskytusksweapon over shouldercloakfur cloaknorino (106592473)starry skystar (sky)wolfbangsfur trimheterochromiaopen mouthshiny armortaran fiddlertongueupper bodywolf boyeye trailred eyesvictor garciaanimal earsbroochfeet out of framefur capefur trimmed capegreatswordhuge weaponjewelrykajika ( ka ji ka)musclemuscular maleplate armorshort hairsnowingsword over shoulderviewed from belowwindwolf earsbadluckbadblue eyesflowerone kneeplantedplanted swordplanted weapon4boysblack hairboc the seamsterbookeyes closedgiantgiant malehathat featherhat removedheadwearheadwear removedhelmetholding bookholding objectin profilemultiple boysquelfabulouscrystalfranlolgreaveslooking to the sidesquattingaplysia05bent overblank eyesblue capebent kneefirekneelingmkdoumablue butterflybugbutterflyfauldshand uprioyudha22absbare pectoralsbicepserectionfingernailsgluteal foldlarge pectoralslarge penisleg straplindongnavelnipplesnudepectoralspenisscarscar on chestsharp fingernailsstomachtailthick thighsthighsveinsveiny peniswolf tailamaryllis nodragonslayer (sword)trait connectionneungsoniedebrisdustrabbity artunderpecembersforestfull bodynaturetreeben geldenhuysblue skycloudcloudy skymetal bootslooking awayblushbrown fureyebrowsforeskinfunctionally nudemale pubic hairnaked capepubic hairthick eyebrows
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